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A Primeira Luz (ingles vers.)

By Dan Cilva 

It was night when it all happened. 
I was welcomed between the covers, sleeping asleep. 

Tedy, like any stuffed animal, 
has the mission of protecting children of all ages all over the world, 

against terrible nightmares and monsters in the closet and under the bed. 
Such a creature was my teddy bear, given to me, 
by my father when I was born. 

To every corner of the house I and Tedy were going 
to have great adventures in our imaginary little world. 
Tonight would be no different. At dawn, 
the wind whistled against the window and 
unrolled it on the roof of the house, 
the shadow of the windbreaker taking shape against the wall. 

Like a trail of tar, it slipped, crawled, writhing and stretching, 
halting sinuously over the thick blanket that kept me warm. 
The plush animal watched oddly, 
every movement of the shadow across the bed. 

There was a flash of lightning and 
the creature made of shadow and fear, 
now bursting into the air like a blur that never existed. 
When I tried to tell my parents the next morning, 
they told me that it was all a pretty dream and that I should watch less television before bed. 

Months passed and I found myself surrounded by 
presents and a cake that indicated my age. 
Twelve years of healthy childhood and 
no worries greater than the gifts I would win the next Christmas. 

Too tired to play with cousins ​​and school friends, 
all very excited about the new video game, 
I fell asleep on the couch. 

When I woke up, I was already under the covers 
but Tedy was not there. 

He walked like his eyes all over the room. 
As if I lack the air, despair was taking place. 
I ran to the window with the repulsive idea 
that Mom had thrown Tedy in the trash and that without him, 
I was now an adult. 

I felt the chill take over my being and 
the shadow lay his icy and rough hands on my shoulders and 
drag me into the darkness. 

Today I'm in my nephew's room, 
it's night and I can only drag myself to him now. 

I need help, without my angel, 
I became what I feared most. 

Now I vague between existences, 

in search of a last light.

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